Saturday, November 22, 2008

My Job

Oh the joys of retail. And when I say "joys" you should be noting the deepest of sarcasm in my blogging voice. Today I had to:

1. Yell at two people--technically it's called "coaching" and there is no true yelling involved, but the whole process raises your blood pressure all the same.
2. Deal with three pain in the "guest" returns. All three of which felt it was their purgative to be as rude as possible. Happy freaking' holidays. It isn't even Thanksgiving yet.
3. Deal with the mess from another manager who, even after being in his position for over a year, still is unable to communicate and plan his area during a- need I say more- MORE than heavy traffic season. So I had to do his job on his day off.....yet again.
4. Deal with a computer auto fill (essentially a way to refill the floor of product that has sold late the day before and early in the morning) at noon that was a 2 1/2 HOUR PULL. For those of you who don't know, auto fills drop every hour on the hour between 12 and 5 and have to be pulled before the next one "drops" into the system (i.e. you get an HOUR to pull it). Needless to say there were three of us pulling product and we got the batch done at 12:59. Four flats of product to push to the floor and fill. There were only three of us on the sales floor. Someone felt it was fun to mess with Saturday math.
5. Did I mention that I had to also complete my work for the week? Take my own government mandated 30 minute lunch? Cover the front lanes while that manager had to take her government mandated lunch and two 15 minute breaks? Breaks???? What the hell is a break?? I haven't taken a 15 in over 4 months. Ok, maybe one or two per month, but that was only to get off the floor to avoid popping an aneurysm from some other instance of stupidity. And usually I use that time to catch up on planning and computer stuff.
6. Oh yeah, I also had to cut almost a half hour of overtime, so I had to leave early.

Fun stuff. Let's hope tomorrow is better. I'm sure it will be none-the-less interesting.

Now I have to put away the 9 loads of laundry that Jeremy did today. At least I didn't have to do those!!

Monday, November 17, 2008



Oh the joys of living in a house in the country.

I heard the cats playing around in the kitchen and then a small squeak. Of course I figured it was a mouse. I arrived in time to see Fat Lew pick it up in his mouth and take it to the laundry room, from where he continued his mousely torment. I think Fat Lew had done most of the dirty work as it was moving very slowly and twitching a bit. You could practically see its minuscule heart beating out of its chest. Wouldn't you be terrified if a giant, orange, furry blob came purring at you out of nowhere. After a few pictures and a video, I flung the tiny rodent outside by his tiny tail where he shall meet his tiny demise. Then the cats both went behind the washer and dryer. This is probably where the rodent made his fateful mistake of entering the premises through the dryer vent. Little did it know there were two fat cats waiting to pounce.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

When you give a 4 year old a camera

So, just in case you were wondering how pictures would turn out if you gave a 4 year old a camera.

A keeper!!!!!

Got to love fall.

Monday, November 3, 2008


Melts in your mouth and not in your hand is a complete and utter Mars and Co. fabrication.