Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Who's who??

So I thought that Ethan didn't really look like Aidan. Yes, there are distinct similarities. But to me, Ethan is just a bit different. Boy, am I WRONG. Can you tell who is who??? I didn't realize how eerily they look alike until Jeremy pulled up the pictures.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Joining the technology age

OK. I've finally decided to join the technology age. This is for all of you who like to read up about the "kids". I suppose it's easier and cheaper to post here than send out a newsletter. For all who still enjoy the newsletter..no worries! I'll still continue to send one out several times a year. I suppose this will also force me to take more pictures. I'm guilty of not taking as many of the "tiny smudge". He is a very happy boy. A spitting image of his big brother and dad.