Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!

Don't you just want to take a giant bite out of the cutest M n' M in the whole wide world?!?!  Watch out for Mr. Incredible!!!

pre-k field trip

Aidan had a blustery cold afternoon with his pre-k class at a local "pumpkin patch".  Very hill billy, but he had fun.  Very cold.  Aidan is in the front with the yellow caterpillar hat.

Moo-Moo-Moo. Baa-Baa-Baa

In another round of chastisement, Jeremy has to, ONCE AGAIN, post on the blog in order to appease our constituants.  For all you readers out there, please send your "encouragement" to jennifercellarius at hotmail dot com.

This pic comes courtesty of a family outing at The 200 Acres in Arthur, IL.  (Featured on Martha Stewart!)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


A trip to Great-Grandma Cherie's and the 2008 Hartschuh Reunion!

Jen has been "too busy" to blog, and the verbal lashings keep coming in.  So here's Dad's first attempt at posting.  Hopefully this keeps the peace.